All of your marketing, contact management, and call center needs can be met by a single optimized solution!

Complete transparency and screening abilities for all Client/Lead data. You can easily watch and stay on top of all the requirements for your portfolios, from controlling their KYC status to observing their financial transactions and trading activities.



Customize your company processes to increase Revenue




With our intelligent sales modules, you’ll never overlook an offer again.




Using clever connections, increase your efficiency and productivity.


Increasing your sales numbers

Your best-performing brokers should receive your costly and high-potential leads to increase their chances of closing deals.

Finskale ACR is not your typical program provided by standard CRM companies, unlike anything else available in the market. It is a distinctive dealer utility.

By ensuring that your leads are disseminated to the appropriate employees with ACR's clever and distinctive handling, we help increase your conversion rates!

Call Manager

Increasing your Profit

With just a few clicks, managers can quickly evaluate their employees and set up the procedures they prefer.

So, in addition to increasing your return on investment (ROI) on your leads, you are also sparing your managers a ton of time, allowing them to concentrate on more beneficial managerial tasks to aid in increasing the efficiency of their team.


All communication within one system

Every communication can be tracked and done inside the system. You won't have to switch between systems to remain on top of all your duties because internal task and reminder tools are accessible along with complete VOIP and email integration choices.

Simple client status and activity tracking

What about keeping track of the action and status of current clients? Easy! Our Retention Dashboard streamlines your life by highlighting critical information about traders' activity and showing all client activities in one well-organized view. You won't have to be concerned about any of your customers being overlooked or neglected.